Users navigate to this page by clicking on any of the article cards or frame. this page is a section where users can read the details of a article story and leave their reactions or comments. In addition, this pages have a side slide that displays the latest news from other categories. This feature keeps users informed about other topics while they engage with the article. The ability to comment or react to the article also encourages user engagement and promotes discussion among readers. These features make article pages an effective way to provide comprehensive news coverage while keeping users engaged and informed.

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This section can be spotted right under the article, where readers can express their thoughts or opinions about the article.


Hierarchy: the idea of adding a background color to some comment is to highlight good comments and "hide" bad comments, also to show the hiiq power of the comment. with this feature, we hide bad comments where people use degrading or bad words, scams or death treats e.t.c.


The Brain Icon: This represents the cumulative power of an article or comment based on likes from HIIQ holders, indicating its relevance and value within the article categories or comment section. the amount of Hiiq power an article accumulate determines if it will make it to the weekly news letter.

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